My Bespoke Fragrance Moissanite Collection


The My Bespoke Fragrance Moissanite Collection is the perfect gift for anyone that loves their signature fragrance created with The Perfume Studio and wants a bottle at home and one for when ‘on the move’.

You must be logged in to select your Personal Fragrance. See 'How to order' below for further details.

Please select the options below before adding to the cart!

Including a heavy glass bottle full of fragrance, a 20ml travel atomiser full of bespoke fragrance and our unique Secret Atomiser Pen. Each element has options with different colours making the gift truly bespoke.


  • 1 x 100ml Bespoke Fragrance in a Glass Atomiser  (Choice Bottle, Cap &  Atomiser)
  • 1 x 20ml Bespoke Fragrance in a Twist Top Travel Atomiser (Choice of colour)
  • 1 x Atomiser Pen (Choice of Colour – Pink, Black, Silver)

1 x 100ml Bespoke Fragrance in a Glass Atomiser
1 x 20ml Bespoke Fragrance in a Twist Top Travel Atomiser
1 x Atomiser Pen

Standard Delivery to the UK is £4.95.

Standard Delivery to selected countries in Europe is £15.00.

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